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  • ER DU GRAVID? | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Are you pregnant? Positive pregnancy test Congratulations! Your pregnancy test is positive! You must order time for this first study when you are ​ ca. in week 6-10. The following supplements are recommended: Folic acid: 400 micrograms daily from the time you think about getting pregnant and 12 weeks in in pregnancy. ​ Vitamin D: 10 micrograms daily throughout pregnancy. ​ Iron: 40-50 mg ferrous iron daily from the 10th week of pregnancy and the rest of the pregnancy. ​ Calcium; You should consume ½ liters of dairy product a day or take a daily 500 mg calcium supplement throughout your pregnancy. ​ ​ ​ Unwanted pregnant: If the positive pregnancy test is not good news and you do not want the pregnancy, you should contact the clinic as soon as possible and get an appointment the same day. You will be informed of your options and referred for treatment to a gynecologist or to the hospital. ​ ​ make an appointment REMEMBER Before every examination shall you make one urine sample. There is urine sample set on the toilet in which you have to let the water in (follow the hung instructions). You hand the sample through the hatch to the nurse who will examine the urine for sugar, protein and blood. Brugbart link ifm. graviditet og barsel ​ 1st visit When you are in week 6-10 What shall there Spoon? ​ Fill out pregnancy papers and hiking log ​ Measurement of blood pressure ​ Urine control ​ Blood test ​ Possibly. Examination for chlamydia ​ Weight Midwife consultation: You will be convened from that hospital, du wishes to food on, for midwife consultation around week of pregnancy 14. REMEMBER You ordering self time to neck fold scan online on that hospital you have chosen after consultation heroppe. Herlev hospital 2nd visit When you are in week 25 What shall there Spoon? ​ Measurement of blood pressure​ Urine control​ Possibly. Blood test​ Weight​ Measurement of the uterus 3rd visit When you're in week 32 What shall there Spoon? ​ Measurement of blood pressure​ Urine control​ Weight​ Measurement of the uterus Pertussis vaccine: ​ All pregnant women in the 3rd trimester are offered a free pertussis vaccine. This offer expires until 31.12.2020. Pertussis vaccination during pregnancy is safe for both mother and child, and results in good protection of the child against pertussis in the months after birth.

  • Øjne | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Ophthalmologists Lisbet Knudsen Ophthalmologist Gl. Klausdalsbrovej 476, st, th. 2730 Herlev Telephone: 4494 8788 Jørn Lynglev Ophthalmologist Lyngby Hovedgade 27 2800 Kongens Lyngby Telephone: 4588 0122 Charlotte Lund-Andersen Ophthalmologist Søborg Hovedgade 201 2860 Søborg Telephone: 3967 8635 Copenhagen's eye and squint clinic Ophthalmologist Jægersborgvej 66A, 1, th. 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Telephone: 3964 1066

  • KONTAKT TIL SPECIALLÆGE | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Contact a specialist X-ray doctor Rheumatologist Orthopedic surgeon Physiotherapist Podiatrist Gynecologist Dermatologist Plastic surgeon Ear nose neck doctor Ophthalmologist Pediatrician Gastrointestinal surgeon Gastrointestinal medications Cardiologist Lung / allergy doctor Neurologist Psychiatrist Psychologist Endocrinologist Internal medications

  • MELD AFBUD | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Cancel Then we can give the time to someone else If you are prevented from arriving at an agreed time, send one SMS on tel. 93930530. Remember your name! ​ You do not have to call on the phone, as you will then record our emergency phone, which will be used for patients who call with acute problems.

  • 01.08.20 | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Newly opened clinic Dear patient ​ As the clinic is completely new and many new changes have been implemented, and many patients would like to get in touch with the clinic after the summer holidays, it may be you the first few weeks will experience a little extra bustle. ​ We hope for your understanding. ​ You need to know that the changes you experience, is for that increase availability, provide a higher level of service and overall provide a better treatment to you as a patient. ​ Yours sincerely, Doctors Anders and Sita

  • Lungemedicin | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Pulmonary Physicians / Allergy Clinics Peter Lange Internal medications Lyngby Hovedgade 57A, 1, th. 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Telephone: 2137 6787 Henriette Enevoldsen Internal medications Hans Edv Teglers Vej 9, 1 2920 Charlottenlund Telephone: 3962 2120 Holger Mosbech Internal medications Bindeledet 11, st 2880 Bagsværd Telephone: 4444 0808 Lung and Allergy Clinic Internal medications Lyngbyvej 237, 1 2900 Hellerup Telephone: 3889 4092

  • BESTIL TID | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    make an appointment Open Consultation Here you meet in the clinic in the morning without an appointment. You will be looked after roughly in turn. 5 minutes are set aside per consultation. Most simple, acute or specific problems can be solved here. ​ Open consultation is on all weekdays between kl. 8.00-9.00. (Only valid from 1 June) ​ ​ For more complex issues, it will still be possible to call in the morning and book a Time-Same-Day. You must be aware that you may be asked on the phone to attend the Open Consultation the next day, if it is assessed that your problem can be solved here. Time-same-day Is a consultation, where after contact with the clinic it is assessed that you must have an appointment later the same day. More time has been set aside for this consultation than for open consultation. ​ You can also book a Time-same-day online (as well as via the app: My Doctor). This is possible from 4 pm, when the times until the next day will be available. If your problem can be solved in an open consultation, please just meet here and do not book a Time-same-day. Call the clinic on Tel. 44 94 16 15 between kl. 8 - 9.15 NOTE It is NOT possible to book an appointment per. mail or forward in time. ​ Scheduled time Is a time you can book out in the future. However, this is ONLY if you need: ​ At the doctor: Control of your chronic illness Pediatric examination Pregnancy examination Cell sample Certificates ​ At the nurses: Control of your chronic illness Vaccination Removal of stitches Cardiac cardiogram, blood tests etc. ​ If you want time for anything other than the above, you can NOT book a scheduled time. In that case, or if in doubt, call the clinic. ​ Call the clinic on Tel. 44 94 16 15 between kl. 10 - 12.00 ​​ You also have the option of booking a scheduled time online through yours LOG IN or via the app MY DOCTOR. ​

  • New Page | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Dear patient ​ From 1 September, we have hired a new medical secretary, Tina. She will often be the first I meetings when you enters the clinic. Hope you will welcome her. ​ From September 7, the phone hours will be extended again, so you can call within the following time periods: - Kl. 8.00-9.15: Doctor (Emergency telephone consultation) Secretary (Booking Time Same Day) ​ - Kl. 9.45-11.45: Secretary (Ordering scheduled times, renewing prescriptions, etc.) ​ Unfortunately, we continue to experience problems with our online appointments. We expect a solution soon, so that it will be possible to book time online without difficulty. Yours sincerely, Doctors Anders and Sit

  • Fysioterapeut | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Physiotherapists Herlev Physiotherapy, Nicklas Rassing Physiotherapist with subsidy by referral Herlev Bygade 41 2730 Herlev Telephone: 4494 3030 Tartarus Gym - Physiotherapy and trainingTartarus Gym Physiotherapist without subsidy (special rules for group 2 insured) Smedeholm 10, st, th 2730 Herlev Telephone: 5050 5069 Protreatment Herlev ApS Physiotherapist with subsidy by referral Stationsalleen 42 2730 Herlev Telephone: 4166 6684 Mørkhøj Physiotherapy, Lars Eberhardt Physiotherapist with subsidy by referral Gyngemose Parkvej 28A 2860 Søborg Telephone: 4465 3618

  • Røntgen | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Radiologists Triangles X-ray doctor (diagnostic radiologist) Trianglen 5, st 2100 Copenhagen East Telephone: 3526 7106 X-ray & Ultrasound ​ X-ray doctor (diagnostic radiologist) Frederikssundsvej 80B, 4th floor 2400 Copenhagen NW. Telephone: 38 10 20 81 X-ray clinic Nørrevold X-ray doctor (diagnostic radiologist) Nørregade 40, 5. 1165 København K Telephone: 3393 1746 Elwira Skomorowska X-ray doctor (diagnostic radiologist) Vester Voldgade 9 1552 København V Telephone: 3313 4547

  • FORNY FAST MEDICIN | LægerneHerlevMidtby

    Renew recipes Online prescription renewal You can only re-order prescriptions at medicine where there is a valid prescription on your public medicine card. Re-ordering prescriptions can only be done online via ​ If you urgently need the medicine, call the clinic instead so that we can dispense your medicine immediately. Du kan også fornye dine recepter via app'en Medicinkortet. Medicinkortet Once you have ordered the medicine, one of the doctors will approve or reject your medicine order and you will receive a response within 24 hours. Please note that the message that your medicine is approved can be found by clicking on "renewed prescriptions" in the right corner of your medicine list. Hvis du akut har behov for en receptfornyelse skal du ringe til klinikken mellem kl. 10 og 12 og få en telefonisk receptfornyelse. Telephone prescription renewal You can re-order prescriptions for your regular medicine from our secretary. ​ Call the clinic on Tel. 44 94 16 15 between the hours. 10 - 12.00 Addictive drugs The National Board of Health has emphasized that EEL addictive drugs, such as sedatives such as benzodiazepines, sleeping pills and morphine, require personal attendance at the clinic. make an appointment The National Board of Health's Guidance

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