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If you do not have symptoms and want to be tested for coronavirus, you must book an appointment at  You get answers to your test by logging on to with your NemID. Most will get an answer within 24-48 hours.  

If you have mild symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty swallowing, breathing problems and headache)  and want to be tested, call the clinic where we can make a referral. Then, you must book an appointment at  While awaiting answers to your test, stay home and avoid contact with others  people.


If your child has symptoms of coronavirus, contact the clinic where we make a referral. Then,  make an appointment for a test of your child  at If the child is under 16 , a parent's NemID is used. If the child is  over 15 years , the child's is used  own  NemID.  If you do not have a NemID, you can book an appointment at CoronaTest Booking on tel. 30 66 89 37. The phone is open every day at 10-18. 

The clinic sends answers to your child's test (if you are registered in our online system).



If you have been in close contact with a person infected with coronavirus, you may also have been infected. 

You are considered a close contact if you:

  • living with an infected person

  • have had direct physical contact (eg a hug) with an infected person

  • have had unprotected and direct contact with secretions from an infected person (eg have been coughed on or touched a used handkerchief)

  • have had close face-to-face contact within 1 meter for more than 15 minutes with an infected person (eg conversation)

  • as healthcare professionals or others have participated in the care of a corona-infected citizen / patient and have not used protective equipment  

If you have been in close contact  with a person infected with coronavirus  please contact the clinic where we make a referral. Then,  you must book an appointment for a test at  While awaiting answers to your test, stay home and avoid contact with others  people.

If your test is positive , you will be contacted by Corona Detection under the Danish Agency for Patient Safety. Here you will be advised on how to behave when you have tested positive and get help to track down who they have had contact with after you became ill. 


Link to your PBOKS

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